Sari Sarana Kimiatama was founded by the founder as UD. Sinar Warna in 1966 as a Thinner and Paint manufacturer and supplier. In Order to become the authorized agent of PT. PERTAMINA (Persero) agent of Petrochemical division, we change the company to become PT. Sari Sarana Kimia.
With time to time to become a chemical professional to supply to our customers, PT. Sari Sarana Kimia built few of manufacturing company in Indonesia and has become the leading manufacturer and companies in Indonesia. They are:
- Tunas Sumber Ideakreasi Kimia (Tunas Resin), to produce Alkyd, Amino, UPR Resin, Textile Aux, and Latex Emulsion.
- Bumi Merak Terminalindo (BMT), to provide Bulk Liquid Terminal with private Jety located in Merak – Banten Province .
And to complete the facility of Bulk Liquid Terminal, BMT has founded PT. Bumi Merak Transportindo which to transport in Tank Lorries with varies of volume and facilities (
- Sari Daya Plasindo, to produce DOP and DINP Plasticizer.
- Sarana Sejahtera Kurnia, as Blending Thinner company with famous and oldest brand “SSK” for the retail market and Industrial Thinner for various needs. Also as Taylor made Thinner with special formula or our customer brand.
In 2013, PT. Sari Sarana Kimia has become the Holding Companies with few entities and have to established a new company for the Chemicals Importer and Logistic Company with new name of PT. Sari Sarana Kimiatama with 100% of SSK Group owned.
Today, PT. Sari Sarana Kimiatama has become one of the largest Chemical Distribution integrated company with sales turn over more than US$ 100 Million per year and facilities of Importing Chemicals DG and non DG, Authorized Agent, Logistic and Tolling or OEM capabilities for our Principals and Customer’s needs with more than 50 years of experience and expertized.
In the future, PT. Sari Sarana Kimiatama would like to become a modern and technology based of Chemicals distribution and logistics partner in Indonesia to partnership with local and multinational company to distribute in Indonesia.